Everyone has their own way of defining what family is and what being part of a family means to them. We all have our blood related family or the traditional family but for most people family doesn’t necessarily limit to a father, mother and their children. Important people who are always there for you can also be considered as family. Many people consider friends as family. For some, pets are considered as additional family members. Even though we define family differently we all see them similarly – a person or a group of people who truly care for us and whom we consider as everything.
A traditional family consists of a married husband and wife and their children as well other blood related relatives. We live under the same roof with these people and share memories with them from the moment we were born. Our parents became our very first teachers and provided us with our physical and emotional needs while our siblings became our first friends and enemies. A majority of people consider their traditional family as their real family but there are also exceptions. For example, people who grew up in broken families and those who have complicated family problems tend to develop very real emotional and mental health challenges due to their dysfunctional family. These people usually find comfort and love in other people.
Another is treating friends as family. People who have complicated family relationships tend to look for replacements. Friends are the family we choose for ourselves. We’re so close to our friends that we can’t help but think of them as family. These are the people who make you laugh, smile and make life a little less stressful. Having real friends is truly a blessing because they bring unconditional love and support both in good and bad times. It doesn’t matter if you’re blood related or not as long as you’re surrounded by people who you love and are loved by.
People consider pets as family. Pets are additional members to the family unit. They can be your friend, partner and defender. These creatures are playful, affectionate and loyal to those who show them love and take good care of them that’s why losing them is like losing a part of your family. Examples of people who consider pets as family are couples who can’t or choose not to have children. Instead of having children they take responsibility in taking care and showing love to pets.
Family can be defined in many ways. You can also have several families at once. Whether you consider your blood related relatives, friends or pets as family is not important. Family is life’s greatest blessing regardless of how you choose to define it.