The Internet Brings More Harm Than Good
The Internet is a network connecting people across the world. It has become a major source of information for many people. Through the Internet you can surf online to play educational games, browse around news sites and research on almost anything you want. Furthermore, many people keep up their social contacts online. From searching for a former high school classmate, a childhood neighbor, to an international friend, no easier or faster way to make a connection exists than social media. Over the past years, millions of different websites have been set up, giving people the chance to shop, do business, play, learn and communicate online. According to the World Internet Usage and Population Statistics in 2011, more than 30% of the global population has access to the Internet. Continent-wise, this breaks down as: Europe: 58.3%, North America 78.3%, Latin America 36.2%, Africa 11.4%, Asia 23.8% and Oceania 60.1%. We are widely aware of the good Internet brings, but we may still question whether it is helping or hindering our life.
Risks of Fraud or Identity Theft is a harm that Internet brings. Whether you like it or not, the information you post on the Internet is available to almost anyone who is clever enough to access it. Instant messages and emails have been used to extract passwords, bank account details and credit card numbers. Everyone’s privacy is greatly harmed by the internet. Some sites ask to fill in information which can be sold to other sites for commercial purposes. Once we post something online, it is almost impossible to erase it from the net.
Reduced Productivity also comes with the use of the Internet. The Global Web Index poll shows that 28 percent of the time spent online is on social networks. Using social media on a daily basis can shorten attention spans, become addictive, lead to less diverse social groups, and even, cause a drop in academic performance. It is one of the most distracting and widely used ways that people divide their attention, especially since smartphones, laptops, tablets and other gadgets have made it easier to bring these distractions with them anywhere. A study at the Miriam Hospital's Center for Behavioral and Preventative Medicine found that student engagement with digital media of any kind, whether it be posting to Facebook or sending a text to a friend, could have a big impact on grades, lowering GPAs and negatively impacting other areas of academic performance.
Use of the Internet may expose the users to cyber bullying. Cyber bullying can happen 24 hours a day, every day of the week. In the past, children were often bullied at school or in their neighbourhood. Today, with the increased use of the Internet, children are now being bullied in all locations and at all times. Connecting with other people can be a great thing, but it also brings many issues. Cyber bullying can include posting negative comments on pictures, posting abusive posts on a user’s wall, using pictures or videos to make fun of another user.
The Internet is a wonderful tool that is beneficial to all but we should always remember to take responsibility for our own safety and never join a group just because it is trendy or all your friends are doing it. In evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of social networking, it's better to be safe and to err on the side of caution to protect our privacy. Be careful with what you post and treat others as if you were in a face-to-face situation. Always be aware of what you share and remember to always think before you click.