The Best Way To Deal with
Manipulative and Domineering Friends
We meet a variety of people each day but only a few are real and sincere. Manipulative and domineering people are those that truly believe that they know better than anyone else and disregard other people’s perspectives. We try our best to avoid these types of people but some people are just so good at pretending to be nice. They are plenty in the world. As this quote says “Sometimes it’s not the people who change, it’s the mask that falls off”. In some cases some of our so called “friends” might actually be fake and not who we believed them to be. Do you have a friend who never makes time for you and always asks for favors but never gives you anything in return? In case you already know a certain person who fits in the statement above then it’s the right time to live your life the way you want to by knowing the best way to deal with a manipulative and domineering person.
You always have to keep your cool and composure when dealing with these people. They are aggressive and controlling individuals who try to push your buttons and create an advantage over you to exploit your weakness. Never get angry in return and act on impulse instead avoid engagement unless you absolutely have to, also wait until some time has passed and the domineering person's emotions have subsided. In the moment that you just can’t keep calm here are three solutions to deal with manipulative and domineering people. First, tell yourself that you’re in charge. Remember that no one is in control of your life and no one has the power to take your happiness away. You cannot control another person's negative actions but you can control how you personally react to them. Refuse to be a victim and don’t allow others to control the direction of your life. Second, Change your perspective and remind yourself that it’s not personal. Controlling people usually have something going on under the surface. They might have underlying interpersonal issues that often lead to insecurity and the need to control others. This behavior can be born in response to traumatic events that left the domineering person living in a state of helplessness. You should never judge someone without knowing the whole story. Insecure people also tend to make other people feel smaller. They use arrogance to camouflage the building insecurity they have inside. A quote by Daniel Chidiac says “When a person attempts to control someone else’s life, it only reflects the lack of control they have on their own. You may not be able to control someone’s negative behavior but you can control how long you participate in it. Third solution would be to walk away if necessary once things get way out of hand and you realize that this certain individual is not worth it. You should do this if the domineering person still continues his abusive behavior even after telling him that you will not tolerate it. It’s best to walk away from a toxic friendship/ relationship and cut off fake people out of your life. Go out and make new friends. Associate yourself with people of good quality. Look for real friends who genuinely want what’s best for you.
There are too many domineering people in our lives but are we going to let them take control of our lives and bring us down with their insecurity or are we going to take charge and handle things our way. Time is indeed too valuable to live a life that’s controlled by others who also take control of your happiness. Always smile and know your worth and remember that the only keeper of your happiness is you so stop giving other people the power to control you.